Resolutions can help start 2019 right

Suggestions on begining the new year with positive energy

Steven John Ndikum
Staff Writer

Every year comes with variations of resolutions. Sometimes we look at the past years we went through, both the successes and the failures, and wish we could go back to those dark paths and shed some light, but time is a factor which moves forward and occurrences which happened within that time frame can’t be changed.

But we always have a chance to change things in the present time frame we are living. 

We got into 2019 in a flash, and this is the moment to change the odds and bring more positive energy into our existence. Below is some good energy to enter the year positively.

Develop an attitude of gratitude

From both the psychological and physiological aspect, being grateful for what you are and what you have is a self-acceptance tool which contributes to your health. Robert Emmons. Ph.D. a psychology professor at the University of California, Davis, has made the scientific study of “Gratitude, its causes, and its potential effects on human health.”

The foundation of his work and research shows that counting our blessings not only reduces depression, stress and lowers blood pressure, but also can slow down some of the effects of aging.

Become more physically fit

You do not have to become Aaron Rodgers to prove your level fitness, nor become a Serena Williams. What’s important is doing something which keeps you fit.

Try connecting with friends who do workouts daily and pick something from them you believe you can keep at steady, slowly but surely.

Reserve a time frame for a good quality sleep

Sleep is the most important thing for the human system. Some people take it lightly, others don’t joke with their pillows.

Having to rest will help improve your efficiency both at school and at work. 

In high school, many teachers who taught me scientific courses believed the best moment to solve physics or math problems is between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. for those who go to bed as early as 9 p.m.

Sleep can reduce some risk factors for heart attacks, strokes, and chronic diseases.

Strengthen relationships

Harvard Medical School’s Women’s Health Watch reports, “dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.”

I began this article with gratitude. We may have hurt people in one way or the other. Walking towards those individuals and saying, “I’m sorry,” never makes you weak, lame, or a failure; that’s maturity.

Connect with friends, course mates, and family members to walk into this new year with all the confidence of knowing no stone is left unturned.

I wish everyone all the best as we put more resolutions into place to begin the academic year 2019 positively.

Feature photo courtesy of 123dentist.com.

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