Letter from the editor: Thank you!

David Bassey
Editor in Chief

Dear Mavericks, 

This will be the last time I write to you as editor in chief. They say the last moments of any relationship are the toughest ones. Even though I thought about this day since the very beginning, I never imagined I would have all these emotions gushing out right now.

I’m feeling like a runner who just finished running a marathon, getting to the end, seeing his family and friends at the finish line. It’s hard not to feel relief, excitement and hope for the next generation.

First, I thank God immensely for making it possible for me to complete my editorial year with so much favor, so much blessing and an amazing family of friends and mentors. If it had not been the Lord by my side, where would I have been? It has been such an amazing journey that I will attempt to thank all those who make this journey possible and enjoyable.

Thanks to Nicole Faust and the Residential Life team for the early advice, communication and introduction to national insights on journalism excellence. Thank you to Ellen Mrja, Rachel Hanel and the Newspaper Board (Katie Leibel, Robb Murray, Karen Wright, Abdur Rahman, Matthew Cecil, Tariq Shaban and Sussana Machinga) for your continued support and advice, your support day-in-day-out was invaluable. Thank you to Jane Tastad, Dana Clark, my editorial board (Madison Diemert, Kevin Korbel, Lucas Torborg, Jeremiah Ayodele, Mansoor Ahmad, Nicholas Linell, Anthony Smith, Jaime Smith, Alimatou Bah) and the entire Reporter staff for making it always fun and a joy to come to serve and grow each day during MINGLE time regardless of the challenges. I always felt safe knowing I can be in the fox hole with you all. And by God, we did a terrific job this year!

Thank you to my advisors; Patrick Tebbe, Namyong Lee, Nazli Wodzinski and Matthew Simones for never letting me take my foot off the engineering research pedal. For instilling in me the continued need for excellence regardless of the circumstances.

There are so many things I am happy about. I’m happy-

– I got to work with the most passionate student journalists in the country or at least in the Midwest. I’m confident next year will be much better than this year. To our incoming editors, always put people first as you step into your leadership roles.

– We won eight college journalism awards this year and had a super staff that began a broadcast network.

– With the support and collaboration with departments, students, faculty and community members on story ideas and helping us improve ad sales.

– I met and worked with so many amazing people this year; learned from great minds such as my models President Richard Davenport and the late Jonathan Zierdt. 

– The IT department always came through each time we had a MavMail or Adobe issue. It meant a lot to our photographers and writers being able to work seamlessly at the office whenever.

I’m pretty sure the next chapter will be vastly different, and as Myles Munroe said, the mango fruit you get from the tree came from the seed, just plant it! I’m confident that the values that have been instilled in me over the years will be more than enough to provide solutions to the problems that face our world today.

Although my time as the EIC this year has been amazing, I cannot end without thanking Yvonne Cariveau, Sarah Richards and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship team for being amazing business mentors. Thank you for providing the guidance that enabled me to be successful at the 2019 Big Ideas Challenge. Thank you to Mio Yoshizaki for helping me prepare the models during the pitch presentation. Thank you for pushing me into greatness!

I remember stepping on the shores of America for the first time which seems like ages ago. As a young undergrad in mechanical engineering with the love for arts. I never knew where this passion would take me to. I also want to thank Areca Roe, Amy Toscani and the fashion photography family for providing support in my fashion photography endeavors. It was not easy starting a club, and I am so happy to have done it with you.

I believe the most important lesson I got to learn is leadership. Learning how to lead oneself first before others. Thank you to the KMSU and Encounter family for making me aware of this. Knowing what I know, would I do it any different? Of course…but I won’t dare. These lessons were vital for the next chapter in my life. One I’m certain will be more exciting, more challenging and more rewarding that the one about to end. Even though I’m looking forward to a rather chill summer, there is still unfinished business and the baton must be passed to the next runners.

Finally, I hope my time at the Reporter can be viewed through the lens of Jesus. Despite the challenges we faced each day, I know we prevailed with love. Are you wondering how I was able to make this happen? It was just by God’s grace and you can do the same! Say this prayer with me:

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.

Love ya!

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