The Pnyx: Thoughts and prayers

Michael McShane
Staff Writer

It is okay to pray for the survivors of a deadly tragedy such as a mass shooting – but that shouldn’t be the only thing we do.

I know I’m not the only one that finds “thoughts and prayers” to be almost a cliché we hear now whenever a horrific incident occurs. 

To the common citizen, it’s all we can really do as a reaction to a mass shooting, but for someone who can act to make sure such an incident doesn’t occur again, like a politician, thoughts and prayers shouldn’t be their only response we get from them.

Politicians, primarily Republican lawmakers, have turned thoughts and prayers from a sincere gesture into a symbol of inaction. The victims, and family members of victims, don’t want empty words that are meant to derail the conversation.

When it comes to gun control, the common argument made is that it’s “too soon” to talk about gun control and I feel that is a slap in the face to the victims. Why can’t change occur that could potentially stop another shooting from happing the same way? 

Why are thoughts and prayers the only thing politicians are supposed to do after an attack? I am personally tired of hearing simple words of thoughts and prayers from politicians and want to see some action, big or small.

In a time where mass shootings are now becoming more and more widespread and common, lawmakers should be put onto the hot seat to give the public more than a press release and a hospital visit. 

There is dispute whether more guns will deter mass shootings, but I believe we can all agree there’s nothing more ineffective than a Twitter post.

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