Treat yourself during spring break

This year the Minnesota winter wasn’t quite the same harsh climate it normally is but that doesn’t mean it didn’t take a toll on our bodies and mind. As spring break approaches make sure to utilize this time to the best of your ability. Whether you are going to a beach destination, staying in Mankato or traveling home, make the most out of it and treat yourself – it’s a break! 

In an era where the conversation around mental health and wellness is more open and critical than ever, spring break offers a vital period of decompression. The relentless school year weighs us down and this break can be the chance to feel refreshed before returning back to the final stretch of the year. Students often experience burnout and this is the time to hit a pause and a reset before the year drags on to the finish line.

This break is not only luxurious but necessary. Seize this moment to unwind and chill. 

Heading into the weekend we will get a glimpse at spring. The forecast is warm and sunny. Perfect for getting away from school and escaping into whatever hobbies we can’t find time for during the exhausting school year. 

Take this time to go on a walk, exercise outside, cook on the grill and if you’re lucky, get a tan. It is the perfect time to get some vitamin D.

Spring break is also the perfect time to achieve things that seem out of reach during the school year. While having classes and homework it can be challenging to get projects done or see distant friends and family. 

Apply for summer internships, build a portfolio, update your resume or do the most dreaded task – taxes. Although it is not the definition of an ideal spring break, these are things we all most likely have to do and will not want to do in the heat of the school year.

While a lot of students will be staying in Minnesota or the surrounding states, some will be traveling for vacation. If that is you, take it all in. Vacation is such a rewarding feeling. If you are going to a beach, enjoy the sun, sand and water. If you are going to a ski resort, take in the beauty of the mountains. If you’re going to an all inclusive resort, let loose. Try new foods, party it up and build relationships with those you are traveling with.

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