91st Student Government plans for new year

The 91st Student Government met for the first time this academic year Wednesday where new and returning senators gained insight as to how the senate works and heard from university officials on a variety of issues on campus.

The meeting started with swearing in of two senators who were not initiated toward the end of spring semester. Speaker Douglas Roberts gave a “Senate 101” presentation where they informed senators about different procedural rules and what’s expected of members including engaging in projects, reaching 45 office hours and participating on two different committees. 

An open forum, which allows anyone in the gallery to speak, was then held. Chairman of the Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee David Cowan gave an update on parking permits. Over 5,000 were sold in the last five days, not counting 800 students who registered for the free lot. 

Cowan also mentioned the new bookstore, now called the Maverick Shop after it used to be named the Barnes and Nobles Bookstore for the last 24 years. Cowan said transitioning to the new manager has come with a few bumps in the road. 

“We’ve resolved the problems day by day, but students aren’t getting books which are critical for goals,” Cowan said. 

Director of University Security Sandi Schnorenberg talked about services University Security offers to students. She also addressed Minnesota’s legalization of marijuana and that it’s illegal to smoke on campus. 

Vice President David Mesta gave a report addressing news on campus. He mentioned an increase in student enrollment and the addition of the reflection lounge over the summer. Additionally, he said there will be no senator pay this academic year due to the budget decrease. 

Senator Roshit Niraula discussed the wayfinding project which was started last year. Through the collaboration of student government and computer science students, the project helps students navigate Trafton Science Center. The target population of the project, whether it will be used for administration or students, is still to be determined. 

Elections for three Residential Life senators open next week along with a graduate studies senator position. A position for an off-campus senator is also up for election on Sept. 6. 

Header photo: Vice President David Mesta (left) and Speaker Douglas Roberts addressed the new student government senate both new and returning senators spoke on plans for the new academic year and went over procedures. (Lilly Anderson/The Reporter)

Write to Emma Johnson at

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