Student-friendly study tips to boost your final grades
Niya Basha
Staff Writer
It’s that time of the semester when college students start to freak out and think about what their final grade might be. Some are even at the verge of giving up by dropping the class.
However, there are some tips to help boost your grades one has to consider before making that decision. First, I will recommend speaking to your professor. A lot of students feel that the little extra effort they put in talking to their professor, figuring out their mistakes in previous quizzes or assignments and finding a way to make up for the points actually helps. That extra effort shows how much you care and can be just the right motivation you need. You can also ask your professor about practical advice on how to boost your grade.
Another step to consider is extra credit or participation points. Towards the end of the semester a lot of professors come up with in-class participation points or extra credit points. Those extra credit points might just be the push your grades need to make a successful grade. At this stage, it is advisable to go to class often as to not miss out on the announcement.
You can also set goals, calculate your grades in the course now, and set goals for scores you need to achieve in order to get a successful grade. Doing this helps put you on track and also helps your final grade at the end of the semester.
Another important and final tip is to study hard and take the exams you have left seriously. First way to go about this is to review your previous study schedule; if it’s not working for you, create a new schedule and stick with it. You can also schedule study sessions with friends.
Get help from the tutoring resource center on campus or from your teaching assistant. Try to get at least one page a day studied to cut your work into smaller chunks before an exam as this is more effective than one night of cramming. Stay organized, and constantly check-in with your grade, as it is on the line.
It is important to weigh all your options just before you just drop that class.
Photo: (CC BY 2.0 by smoorenburg)