Campus and community far a big hit
MSU’s annual campus and community fair featured great oppurtunities for students.
Emmanuella Shokare
Staff Writer
The annual Campus and Community fair took place on the 5th of September 2018 at the CSU ballroom, from 10 am to 2 pm. The fair has been held here at MnSU for about sixteen years and it has grown over the years.
The purpose of this fair is to give the student the opportunity to get involved and build their experiences for skills to prepare their life after graduation.
“Today’s fair had part-time jobs, volunteer opportunities, and RSO’s in attendance which make up the heart of the fair,” said Amanda Weister, Assistant Director, “New to the fair this year were MSU Mankato office tables who had work-study positions available, a display of banners sharing MSU history to celebrate the 150 year sesquicentennial, as well as the ever popular Cotton Candy and Corn Dog snacks for attendees which added to the fair feel.”
Different business, non-profit organizations from the Mankato community and student organization sign up to come for the fair to showcase many opportunities students can get involved both in school, Mankato and possibly other states in the United States.
There are also part-time job positions, internships and volunteer opportunities available for students. It is like a welcome back event for students. There were seventy-eight business, a non-profit organization, and student organization that signed up for this year fair.
As the years go by, more business, non-profit organizations, and student organizations come to try their luck for the first time.
“This is our first time doing it, I wish we came here sooner,” said Brittany Gruber, office manager of Haugbeck Support Services International, “We love it so far and we are going to come back for the next fair.”
It was Haugbeck’s first time at the fair and she said that students have been coming to their booth eagerly asking questions and taking applications.
“I was recruited through a fair like this and I am here to help recruit more students,” said Elizabeth Gelderman, Recruitment Specialist at the American Red Cross, “This is my first time at this fair and I am really loving it.”
There are other organizations that recruit students from the previous fairs and would come year after year “It has been a good flow since we starting coming for the fair,” said David Ross, HR Director for Downs Food Group. “This is our third time coming here and we currently have four MnSU students working for us now.”
All the booths at the fair seemed to be doing well with the students. They had pamphlets containing more information that students could take alone with them.
Some had application forms ready for students who are interested in working with them. They had their complimentary cards and sign-up sheets for students who want more information sent to them.
Organizations like Habitats, YMCA, and American Red Cross to name a few are willing to work around students busy schedules, class time and work time.
“We have over 40 positions open to volunteers and they are at different levels; from the basic training to leadership positions that would require very few hours in a week,” said, Elizabeth Gelderman. “It is like an eye-opener and is also good on resumes.”
Some businesses do not require a particular major; “Even though our business require food sciences major, I have only seen about four food science major apply for it.” said, David Ross
Amanda Weister said, “The event was a huge success! We heard from students who were excited to visit with local employers and find volunteer opportunities at our non-profit organizations represented, as well as employers who were talking with more students than they expected and had to make extra copies of applications!
“There were new companies who had never been to a campus fair before, but after today they plan to come back, as well as many RSO’s that were able to spread the word about their organization and recruit new students. We had a record-breaking attendance of 784 students and hope each of them finds a meaningful experience this year to discover their passion and develop their skills and experience!”
Feature photo by Maria Ly l MSU Reporter.