Campus Voter Registration Information

Good morning,

One of the State of Minnesota’s objectives for public higher education is to “promote democratic values and enhance Minnesota’s quality of life by developing understanding and appreciation of a free and diverse society [.]” Minnesota Statutes section 135A.011 (2017).

Colleges and universities across the state and nation play an important part in promoting democratic values through educating the college or university and the broader community about the election process, voter registration, civil discourse, and so forth. Additionally, in order to effectively carry out the mission of public higher education, colleges and universities must remain nonpartisan.

In keeping with the spirit of civic engagement on campus, we would like to remind you that voter registration deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday, October 16 (21 days before Election Day). You also have the ability to register on election day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

Minnesota Statutes section 201.1611 requires all postsecondary institutions to provide voter registration forms to students.   The voter registration form, mail and the voter register online form are on the Minnesota Secretary of State web site and can be accessed by the hyperlinks embedded above.


Richard Davenport,


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