Tips on how to perform well at a job fair

Steve Joshn Ndikum
Staff Writer

Job fairs provide a huge opportunity for job seekers to connect with recruiters directly at a convenient time frame and place. Job fairs are mostly made up of companies with diverse interest in the economy such as administration, healthcare, agriculture, etc. Job seekers ranges from tens to hundreds depending on the size of the fair.

To set yourself apart from various jobseekers; Connect professionally and efficiently with an employer within a  short time frame and show your special qualities. However, there are things we must do before the event, during the event, and after the event.

Before the event, consult the schedule for the job fair and note critical information about the fair such as the timings and locations. In addition, determine in advance what recruiters you want to meet. Researching on companies will give you a better image on how to communicate with employers and outlining your vision with that of the company.

Look over your CV, making sure all credibility about your skills sets are written in all honesty and can be proven in a job setting. Moreover, make sure you have several copies of it on you before the day of the fair.

Practice on how you can communicate your experience and professional skills within 30 to 60 seconds.

Dress for the event professionally and stay confident.

During the event, analyze the patterns of the floor plan. Environmental sensitivity is an important factor for everyone. It helps us understand the nature of the energies we find around and how to connect with them. Keep calm and find the kiosks which interest you the most.

Approach representatives or employers enthusiastically with a confident attitude, and a firm handshake. These gestures connect you with the representatives easily and quickly sets a pace for communication to flow.

Speak clearly, and answer questions if asked directly.

Express your interest in the company’s activities and listen carefully to the recruiter. Listening will further help on how to communicate after the fair and express your interest in the company’s activities.

Be open to ask questions about the position which interests you the most.

Don’t forget to leave a copy of your CV with the recruiters. Some recruiters note on CVs and cover letters to exempt you from the other job seekers they spoke too. This is mostly is a non-verbal tool of communication used by most recruiters. Them having a copy of the CV is very important.

In the business world we need to come out with strategies which makes us stand out. Before the fair concludes, make copies of your business card, which contains your email and phone number. It may sound out of the ordinary but it’s worth it. Hand a card to the recruiter at the end of your conversations.

After the event, a few days later follow up with the recruiters you met at the job fair. Thank them again for the time, the advice they gave you and other important points that were raised during the conversation while expressing more interest in the organization.

Feature photo by Maria Ly | MSU Reporter.

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