Wacky Chad performs wildly at MNSU

Comedian featured on America’s Got Talent performed for Family Weekend

Emmanuella Shokare
Staff Writer

As we all know, this past weekend was Family Weekend. There were different events on campus that kept us and our families entertained and helped us get to know more about MNSU. One of the biggest events was the Wacky Chad comedy show held in Bresnan Arena.

According to the Wacky Chad website, “Wacky Chad’s award-winningpogo stick skills, charmingly funny jokes and antics got him on America’s Got Talent twice, and a performance at the Super Bowl.”

He has been performing at festivals, colleges and universities for 14 years now. He started when he was just 19.

His shows usually include his pogo stick tricks, tiny bicycle, balancing, dangerous juggling, skateboard tricks and a comedy showwith the audience.

“I was a mouse at Chuck E. Cheese and I did birthday parties. Someone hired me to do a private birthday for their kid, so right before the party I bought my pogo stick. I already knew how to skateboard, ride a unicycle and do some magic tricks,” said Wacky Chad.

“So I went to the magic shop to learn more magic tricks and I had fun for a three-year-old’s birthday party. I saw other performers do it and got inspired. I watched a lot of their videos and saw the way they did things and I added my own material to it,” added Chad.

“I really enjoyed the show,” said Gillian, a student here at MNSU. “It just took the stress offof me from this busy week.”

Before the event started, he entertained the audience with funny jokes and discussions while other people were still making their way into the arena.

Most of the audience volunteered to be on stage and he also picked some people to come to help him when he rode his tiny bicycle with an eight-year-old boy.

“I was going to be a show about health but then I realized kids are watching TV and figured out that the best kind of show is to show people how to breathe a little bit and just enjoy the moment,” said Wacky Chad. “So it’s nice to do an exercise show; I do hope it inspires kids to maybe try something that is kind of extreme but not too extreme and inspires them to get out there and be athletic.”

Feature photo by Gage Cureton | MSU Reporter. 

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