Movie Review: “Captain Marvel” is more ‘meh’ than marvelous
First female-led superhero movie in the MCU is less ground-breaking than it should be
Janessa Hammers
Staff Writer
When we last left the most important hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe she was halfway across the galaxy? And her cat alien scratched Nick Fury’s eye because he was naïve enough to hold a cat directly in front of his face? And the only way the present-day Avengers have to contact her is a 90s pager-looking device? Yes, yes, and yes.
Just as Thanos has smashed the Avengers and the rest of the universe by decimating half the population, who will fly in and save everyone except Carol Danvers, the Air Force fighter pilot and unwitting Kree soldier all at once.
In the film she has electric powers and overcomes any obstacle using her powers and an uncanny ability to stare meaningfully into the camera whist the wind blows back her luscious locks.
Both of these abilities carry the storyline as she develops these abilities rapidly while also rediscovering her memory while also reconnecting with her long lost Air Force BFF while also initially fighting the villain only to turn the villain into a refugee with a sob story while also realizing her Kree boyfriend had been brainwashing her the whole time.
Danvers overcomes a lot without breaking a hair out of place in a short amount of time, must be another of her powerful abilities. I am not sure if the studio simply did not want to introduce another villain and confuse the audience’s attention away from Thanos’ official Big Baddie title, or if they really just wanted to make that big of a statement about the political climate in America where often refugees are misunderstood to be an enemy as what occurs in the film.
Whichever the case it left the audience feeling jipped without a real villain, the only character that they tried to twist into a villainous teacher role was her Kree officer played by Jude Law who mansplained to Carol throughout the film and represented everything wrong with the patriarchy.
This was a nice attempt at women-empowering movie but throwing feminism at the audience and parading around as if they were the first to make a woman superheroine should not have been the sole focus of the movie, her storyline could have gone so much further beyond the political but it did not.
Header photo courtesy of the Associated Press.