President of Emily’s List to lecture
Kaitlyn Jorgensen
Staff Writer
The Women’s Center and Gender and Women’s Studies Department invites everyone to attend the 14th Annual Carol Ortman Perkins lecture Wednesday, April 10 at 7 p.m. in the Centennial Student Union Ballroom.
This year’s lecture is titled “Reject Apathy and the Status Quo.” The discussion will be featuring political strategist Stephanie Schriock, Minnesota State University, Mankato alumna and President of Emily’s list.
The lecture is free and open to the public. Tickets are available in the Women Center CSU 218.
Emily’s List is a political action committee dedicated to driving progressive change throughout the United States by winning elections that put pro-choice Democratic women into office.
Schriock received her undergraduate in 1995 from MNSU. She then began working in politics for Minnesota congressional candidate Mary Rieder in 1996. She then went on to pursue a master’s degree in political management at George Washington University.
An event preview released by the Minnesota State, University Mankato Women’s Center stated, “Under Schriock’s leadership, EMILY’s List has expanded and tripled its staff and resources, leading to the election of record numbers of women to the U.S. House and Senate and the recruitment and training of thousands of women to run for office.”
Schriock took over Emily’s List from the founder Ellen Malcom in 2010 and grew its membership from 400,000 to over 2 million today. The organization raised a record of $52 million in 2012 for candidates, resulting in a record number of women being elected to the House of Representatives and Senate.
Schriock serves as President of American Women, a research organization affiliated with Emily’s List that seeks to increase public awareness of the issues with an impact on women and families. She also serves on the board of advisors for Let America Vote, an organization dedicated to end voter suppression in the U.S. H