Serendipity Music Series brings Rachel Kilgour to campus
John Shrestha
Staff Writer
The Serendipity Music Series brings multi-talented artists from around the state to the campus of Minnesota State University, Mankato. This time, we were mesmerized by emotional songs from Rachael Kilgour.
On Monday, a tune of the guitar was making everyone get lost in the world of music. Kilgour, an award-winning songwriter, presented her songs and skills at the Flexible Programming space from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
The CSU invited her for the Serendipity Music Series, in collaboration with the LGBT Center here on campus. The performing artist, whose lyrics are mostly composed between personal and political scenarios, has been featured at many events like Sundance Film Festival and NYC’s Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. Rachael Kilgour was born in Minnesota, and is based in Boston.
She spent the early 20s raising her step-child and focusing on family life. As she concentrated on the family as a young parent in a same-sex partnership, her musical career took rest for a while. In 2017, she made a comeback with her third full-length album “Rabbit in the Road”.
“Rabbit in the Road” talks about the marriage, life and family. With the start of 2019, Kilgour released her new EP, “Game Changer”, which is comprised of five songs: “Garden”, “Holy Are We”, “In America”, Sincerely” and the title song, “Game Changer”. Kilgour’s writing and delivery cut deep, and her emotional poetic words touched everyone’s hearts.
Kilgour’s songs are mostly available on music streaming websites, and can also be bought from her website.
Between the songs, she talked about her life and how it has shaped to be what she is now. Remembering her talk with her mother, she went on explaining the lyrics of the songs. In one of her songs, “In America”, from her newly released EP, she presented the fact with powerful meaning and message in the song as she said, “Welcome to America, where hard work gets you nowhere, and the money is diseased.”
Header photo by John Shrestha | MSU Reporter.