The Pnyx: A New Chapter
Joshua Schuetz
Staff Writer
So, we’ve come to the last week of the semester, the last issue of the paper, and the last year of my university career. The time has come for me to descend from the Pnyx as well.
The Pnyx is named after a hill in Athens where the ancient Athenians held their democratic assemblies. I created this column to fill a gap, namely the lack of political and policy discussion in the paper, and to inform the student body about politics and policy.
Politics is not a panacea. It cannot save you, nor anyone else. Political activism is crucial and important, but do not put ideology on an altar. I made that mistake for a long time, and it was a painful thing to let go of.
This column has brought me a great deal of joy, and I hope that it has brought the paper’s readers more insight into the political sphere. I regret not joining the paper earlier, but hindsight is perfect, and foresight is flawed.
The Pnyx will be there taken over by my coworker, Michael McShane, next year. It will remain the MSU Reporter’s political column.
Leaving the Pnyx is bittersweet, but I hope that it will serve as a tool of political expression and information for future writers as it has for me.
And with that, I will depart from the hill. May the road rise to meet you, and, in the words of the immortal George Carlin, may the forces of evil become confused on their way to your abode.