RSO’s welcome new members

As campus life this year returns to some sense of normalcy, many of Minnesota State University, Mankato’s student lead organizations have returned to in-person meetings and events, and are focusing on encouraging people interested to drop by.

Patrick Flynn, president of the Residence Hall Association, said that the organization has so far had four successful meetings in a new hybrid fashion, something that RHA has not done before. 

“We are lucky that the room we use, Preska 126, is Zoom equipped,” said Flynn. “I encourage anyone curious about RHA to stop by and check out a meeting.”

RHA organized the inter-hall volleyball tournament at the beginning of the academic year, which is a long-standing tradition of Welcome Week. 

“Additionally, a focus of RHA this year has been increasing student engagement and leadership within the greater campus community,” stated Flynn. “One of the ways we are doing that is that RHA will be taking part in the town hall with University President Inch on Oct. 11 during our meeting.” 

RHA meetings occur every Monday at 4 p.m. in Preska 126.

The National Residence Hall Honorary has had similar experiences. The organization has held three hybrid meetings, to which most of their members showed up in person. 

“I feel like our meetings are a lot more social and laid back this year,” said NRHH president Caitlyn Loya. “I really like it. I feel more connected to the members.”

NRHH is putting on a MavAward and OTM writing party in Preska 126 on Oct. 21 at 7p.m. MavAwards and OTMs allow residents to recognize people and events that have had an impact on them. The organization will be providing snacks and templates for participants to enjoy and use. 

NRHH meetings occur every Thursday night at 9 p.m. in Preska 126.

Another student lead organization that is excited to have campus looking back to normal is Health Pros, a volunteer organization coordinated through the Health Education Office. 

“We worked hard last year to meet the challenge of providing health outreach to our campus community and presentations to classes virtually,” said volunteer and third-year student Whitney Isaacson. 

“Now that our campus is moving back in-pers, we can do more peer outreach and health education activities on campus now in order to reach more students.”

So far this year, the Health Pros have done a variety of tabling events across campus including tabling for National Suicide Prevention week, handing out free t-shirts, and sharing health tips of the week on social media. 

“Some upcoming tabling events we will be doing this month are educating people on how to avoid the ‘Sunday scaries’ and handing out sniffle kits,” said Isaacson.

“Health Pros is a fun way to get involved on campus, make friends, and share health education through interactive programming,” Isaacson added on.

Student organizations are coming back this year with a vengeance, ready to welcome anyone who wants to be involved. You can find the full list of RSOs on the University’s website.

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