Student Government discusses food insecurity solutions
The Minnesota State University, Mankato Student Government met yesterday to discuss the upcoming budget season as well as present two senator reports.
The senate discussed several projects, including working with the University Dining Center to introduce a food waste project. In this project, the leftover food could be reallocated for students who are in need. This project has met some roadblocks, including food safety concerns, as well as the cost of saving the food.
During the open forum Sam Steiger, Program Coordinator from Maverick Adventures, introduced the new additions to the Campus Recreation. These additions include a phone application that allows students to use their cell phone to check in at the Otto Recreation Center as well as look at upcoming events. He also mentioned the upcoming snowshoeing event.
Cindy Janney, Director of Residential Life, discussed a Peer-to-Peer support program they hope to have funded by a grant to provide academic support for students on campus. She asked for the support of the senators, which will be used to get the program up and running in MSU within upcoming months.
During their senator report, Senator Joey Novak discussed the new free menstrual products being set up in restrooms around campus for women. Since the beginning of this project, there are now 50 bathrooms throughout campus that offer free menstrual products.
Novak and Senator Sienne Haq mentioned the food waste project while discussing potential issues in setting up the program. Some of the issues include the refrigeration and electricity costs for the food to remain cold enough to donate. If perishable food is not kept at a safe temperature, it could lead to safety concerns for those consuming the donated food.
Novak spoke about the Student Government’s increased messaging to encourage students to apply for scholarships through the scholarship finder.
The College Democrats and Turning Point USA, two political organizations on campus, announced they will be working together next week to write a resolution advocating for change in the emergency preparedness policy for students with disabilities. This resolution comes after MSU student Valerie Weber was left in her dorm room during a fire alarm, unable to escape due to being confined to a wheelchair.
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