MSU Alumni shares his professional work experience

Minnesota Timberwolves ticket project manager, Jared Hensch visited Minnesota State University, Mankato on March 3 to share his professional work experience with students.

Hensch, an MSU alumni, graduated in 2011 with a degree in sport management and a minor in marketing. During his time at MSU he worked as an ad representative at The MSU Reporter, the Delta Chi fraternity and Sport Management Club.

Hensch touched on his time as a student at MSU while also sharing his experience as a sales representative at The MSU Reporter.

“I wish I had networked more with peers (other sports management majors) alongside the traditional networking with co-workers and fraternity members,” said Hensch. “Learning, becoming better at what you are doing and networking is important but at the end of the day, you’re still in college, this job should be fun.”

Hensch spoke about the sales side of his experiences as well as the relationships that he had developed.

“The time you put into it is what you are going to get out of it. A key reason for this is the factor of report which is created through building relationships,” Hensch said. “People buy from people they like.”

Starting working for the Timberwolves in the sales department for group events, he shared that rejection is a big part of sales. “You’re gonna hear no, but that just means you’re closer to the next yes,” said Hensch.

The Minnesota Timberwolves has a competitive sales department that feeds off of each other’s successes. Hensch shared “We had a system when you put through a sale it plays music and gifts, it’s a little too much. But a sales cliche, you get energy from energy.”

Joined by co-worker Cameron Klade, who is also a MSU Alumni, he pitched in sharing a piece of his professional work experience. 

Currently, he is a premium sales manager for the Minnesota Timberwolves. While at MSU he also was a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity and Sport Management Club. Klade received his degree in sport management in 2016.

Klade and Hensch touched on how sales are full of cliches because “they are just so true.” One of the biggest cliches Klade shared was, “Don’t get too high on the highs or too low on the lows, try and keep a steady mind.”

Students found this visit from Timberwolves employees to be beneficial.

“Getting insight on how things work in an industry is helpful to understanding what you want to do,” said Ryan Kemna, a senior at MSU, majoring in business management.

“Understanding that starting at the bottom is important, you will have that shared experience and understanding to foster a successful environment,” shared Kemna when voicing his takeaway from the visit.

Write to Baylee Sorensen at

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