The value in summer internships

As summer approaches and students begin to fantasize about long-awaited beach days and no school, now might be a good time to reflect on the value of a summer internship.

Getting an internship over the summer months can be a great way to spend your time, earn credits, as well as get actual experience in a career field you are interested in. 

When students think of summer, many picture going back home, living with the parents, and working a part-time job all summer to save up some money for rent the next year. While this is a beneficial pursuit, it is extremely beneficial to consider using that time to benefit yourself professionally. 

While the question may come into question about pay, and being able to afford going to school when it is back in session, it is important to note that more and more internships are offered with payment. 

On top of having a job for the summer, you are also earning credits toward graduation. This is an amazing opportunity to get out of a classroom setting and into the real world to see if that career is truly something that you want to go into. 

Many people will go into an internship thinking that the job they are looking at is exactly what they want to go into, yet when they start actually experiencing it, they find they did not enjoy it at all. 

This is great when you imagine the alternative, which would be graduating, getting hired at that job, and then realizing you hate it. At that point, you have to go through and reevaluate your entire list of goals and where you want to be in your career. 

Instead, an internship is great to just simply test the waters in that career. 

In addition to just trying it out, if you actually like it, you are able to get real on the job experience that will prove to be an asset when you go to find a job when you graduate.

Employers love seeing that you have experience that actually pertains to what you will be doing at their organization. 

If you are convinced and now want to go looking for an internship, the Career Development Center is a great place to start your search. You can also talk to professors and see if they can put you in contact with anyone in the field you are looking at. 

When speaking to employers  about internships, there are a thousand ways to go about it, but a great way that always makes an impression is simply reaching out. Even if it is just for a brief informational meeting, most people will never say no to a quick coffee meeting or a 30-minute conversation over Zoom. 

So whether you are just looking for a summer job, or looking to better yourself and your career prospects, a great option for summer plans is to take an internship.

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