Why you shouldn’t do homework over spring break

Spring break is rapidly approaching and many students are more than ready to take a break from school and decompress, albeit only for a week. Gone are the massive lecture halls with lessons that drone on and on, replaced with sunny beaches and tropical sands that you wish could last forever.

However, teachers are aware of their students’ spring fever. To counteract it, they assign lengthy homework assignments and dangle it over their students’ heads, teasing a due date scheduled for the end of the spring break week.

This fogs the student’s mind, causing them to spend the break worrying about school and finishing their work on time, rather than taking a well-needed, much-deserved break.

School is a lot of work. Not only on a physical level, but on an emotional and mental one, too. The societal pressure to not only attend college, but also do well, can weigh many students down.

On top of that, many students have to balance school work and professional work, picking up jobs to pay for textbooks and rent. This can leave the student tired, overworked, and struggling to find time for schoolwork.

As students, we should do the most with our spring break by doing nothing. As students we deserve time to sit back and relax, and take a break from the everyday stressors of college life.

Taking a spring break vacation doesn’t have to be anything special, like traveling to a beachy tropical country and getting sunburnt. Spring breaks can be anything we want them to be, no matter how big or small. Staying completely horizontal in bed all day watching movies can be just as relaxing as going on vacation to a resort.

Opting to take breaks and relax are important for our wellbeing as students, mentally and physically. 

For some students, the idea of quitting schoolwork for a week can seem scary. If they stop doing schoolwork, they’re scared that they’ll never be able to start back up again, or that they’ll fall behind.

One alternative to this is doing your homework a bit earlier than usual. In the moment, it might be less than ideal, since you’re doing more homework than usual. But going into spring break with no assignments weighing on your mind will make it all worth it, and allow you to have a great spring break.

Spring breaks are meant to be spent as a break, hence the second word in the phrase. We as students should acknowledge this, and spend the week relaxing however we feel we need to, because we deserve it.

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