Provost proposes a no-finals week for MSU

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs David Hood spoke at Wednesday’s senate meeting proposing the idea of a “no-examination” week at Minnesota State. 

This would mean there would be no schedule changes during the last week of the semester, traditionally known as finals week, regarding the time and location of courses.

The reason for this proposal is to make it easier for MSU students during that week as some expressed that finals week has prompted them to change their work and life schedules due to the oddity of finals week. 

Scheduling for finals week is often confusing for students, and class times and locations change.

Multiple senators, including the Student Government President Emma Zellmer, endorsed this proposal. 

Senators at the meeting said that having no finals week would help them out regarding their off campus work schedules and the anxiety that comes with finals week.

If this is agreed upon with the board this change would go into effect as soon as fall semester 2023. This would result in regular 16-week courses where professors could choose to give a final exam or not.

Although more feedback is needed until they officially pass this proposal, the idea had the majority of the room in favor of the “no examination” week during the meeting.

Write to Julia Lin at

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