Student Government Meeting discuss resolutions
Student Government unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday that will address inequities in programs with required internships.
Trying to make internships more accessible and affordable for all, this resolution aims to take a look at how required internships can be more cost-efficient for students.
The reason for this is that some students may face difficulties completing their required internships if they lack access to transportation to get to their job or have to take a pay cut from their regular jobs in order to fill the requirement.
Advertising paid internships over unpaid ones and speaking to employers about opportunities were mentioned.
“Overall, the resolution seeks to make required internships more accessible and affordable for all students, particularly those who may face financial challenges such as international students,” Senator Dagmawi Abera said. “It aims to improve the overall experience of students and degree programs with the required internships and ensure that they can complete their degree programs successfully.”
Resolutions that will be voted on next week include a resolution in support of a list of objectives for IT Solutions. This is a list compiled by the 2023 Student Technology Fee Subcommittee that states objectives they want to see happen for the fiscal year 2024.
A resolution requesting the protection of the bus system. Senator Roberts and Mueller introduced this resolution that would ask the city of Mankato to delay the cost increase regarding MSU’s bus transportation resource and freeze that fee for at least another year.
Senator Roberts and Mesta introduced a resolution regarding graduate assistant over-work protection. This resolution would ensure that graduate assistants are not being overworked. This would advocate that all departments have a time card or accountability system so their GA’s would be paid accordingly and within their contracted timeframes.
Header photo: Student Government President Emma Zellmer helped pass a resolution Wednesday addressing inequities in programs with required internships. (Dylan Long/The Reporter)
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