IT updates for MSU on the way

The second Student Government meeting was nothing short of productive as two new positions were filled along with technological updates around campus. 

Assistant CIO and Director of Tech Services Bryan Schneider spoke at the open forum at the latest Student Government meeting on what IT solutions worked on over the summer. 

Schneider said he is working on getting a new contract for the MavPrint printers so when IT Solutions calls, they can repair them quicker when they break. 

“Yesterday, I just received a final contract for trying to get that signed by the state and then you should see a significant improvement in the reliability of MavPrint printers,” Schneider said. 

The oldest printers will also be replaced. 

Multiple areas of campus saw improvements in the Wi-Fi over the summer with the main focus being in the Centennial Student Union. IT Solutions did a site survey to find the problems in the CSU. 

“We used design tools and redesigned the wireless network and moved everything around, but you should notice the wifi is much improved here,” Schneider said. 

IT Solutions plans to improve the Wi-Fi in other academic buildings.

The residence halls also saw improvements to their Wi-Fi networks. Partnering with Apogee, a new registration process has been put in place. 

“One of the biggest complaints we had last year was it was very difficult for students to register their devices and get on the Wi-Fi network,” Schneider said. “I haven’t heard any feedback of problems that students have had this year, but we’re going to be meeting with Apogee tomorrow to look through the tickets that have been submitted.” 

IT Solutions also moved its main solution center from Wissink Hall to the basement of the CSU with an additional location on the first floor of Memorial Library. 

Also at Wednesday’s meeting, the senate appointed two new  residential life senators. Sophomore Reed Boeckermann and freshman Andrew Colleran spoke in front of the senate on reasons they wanted to join.

“I would love to be a part of the student government. I would enjoy to attend all the student government meetings and to do at least three to four committees and to make an impact,” Colleran said. 

“I hope I can bring the voice of Residential Life students to the student body, I’d love to work with all of you and hopefully make this campus better for everyone,” Boeckermann said. 

Senators were also able to ask questions to the candidates to get insight on their motivations. Off-campus senator Jeremiah Revere asked them about one poor experience in the residence halls they wished they could have made better. 

“I’d want to look at the regulation of the boys and girls dorms. There’s a lot of conflict for boys potentially harassing girls in most of the dorms,” Colleran said. “I wish there was a lot more direct immediate repercussions to that.”

“In Preska, there are laundry rooms on each floor, but only three machines in each. A lot of times those can get very competitive as they’re shared between 50 people,” Boeckermann said. “It’d be the one issue I would bring up that would first come to mind directly concerning residential hall students.”

After a brief voting period, Boeckermann and Colleran were sworn in.

There is one vacancy for a residential life senator, and one for graduate studies. Elections will be held next week. One off-campus senator position opens up Sept. 13 while the other position opens up Sept. 6.

Header photo: Assistant CIO and Director of Tech Services Bryan Schneider spoke to the Student Senate on updates IT Solutions worked on during the summer which included a new contract for printers and better Wi-Fi on campus. (Dylan Long/The Reporter)

Write to Emma Johnson at

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