Decorating a spooky space 

‘Tis the spooky month! 

Whether you’re into spooks and scares or just the vibe itself, we have lots of tips for you to get into the season.

First things first, you can’t go wrong with cobwebs. Usually people use thin cloth or cotton balls, but the choice is yours. Find a nice doorway or corner to stick the cobwebs, and if you want to add some fake spiders – go for it.

Here’s a popular Halloween activity: carving pumpkins. Get a pumpkin of any size, gut it (either outdoors or on a surface that can be easily cleaned), and carve a nice design onto the front. You can put your pumpkin inside or outside, you can even put a candle inside it. If you do decide to put your pumpkin outside, know that squirrels will stop at nothing to eat it.

If you like baking, then this one’s for you. Make a treat such as cupcakes or Rice Krispy treats, and go to town with decorating. Want to have a Frankenstein rice Krispy treat? Now you can. If you want more ideas, I’d check out Rosanna Pansino on YouTube, she’s a baker known for making cute and thematic treats.

Now if you live in the dorms, you may feel like there isn’t a lot you can do to decorate, but I assure you, that isn’t true at all. Some residents put out a bowl of candy on Halloween for any passerby. Some hall advisors may give residents on their floor candy as well.

Speaking of dorm life, many residents decorate their doors for the season. Usually, they use paper cutouts of ghosts, bats, skulls, and more. They also use caution tape, banners, cutouts that go around their peephole, etc. The sky’s the limit.

If you’re a horror fan, you can look at your favorite horror media for inspiration. Friday the 13th? Find a hockey mask lying around. Lavender Town? Play the music on a speaker. Uzumaki? Make some spiral cutouts and tape them to walls and doors. Get creative and think outside of the box.

The colors most commonly associated with Halloween are orange, green, purple, and black. Take a look around, what do you have that’s in those colors? Perhaps a nice tablecloth? Or decorations from a past event? It never hurts to improvise.

Regardless of how you choose to decorate, the most important thing is that you have fun. Happy Halloween and happy decorating!

Write to Ellie Meschke at eleanor.meschke@my.normandale.edu

Header Photo: With Halloween just one short week away, finding ways to spice up your space for the holiday is the last thing to put on your monthy to-do list this October. (Dalton Grubb/The Reporter)

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