New RSO pursues gender equity
The Women Empowerment Club started last August to educate, inform, and empower with the goal of promoting gender equity in the campus community.
Emily Hodge, the club’s Events Coordinator, said the idea grew after pursuing an internship with Planned Parenthood North Central States in St. Paul and attending a retreat with Liz Flatnum that was hosted by the Women’s Center. At these events, Hodge learned about organization and student leadership.
“We talked a lot about a student group and wanted to see what we could form with or as a part of the Women’s Center and to spread information on campus about a lot of big things,” Hodge said. “When I was working this summer, I learned a lot about gender equity. The Women’s Center has had a few student groups in the past, but they’ve dissolved since then.”
Hodge said being a member of WE has helped her meet new people, open new opportunities with the Women’s Center, and develop leadership skills.
“Hearing other people’s opinions in discussions opens up my worldview. The things that I seek to learn in this group are what I look forward to the most,” Hodge said.
Hodge said the WE is preparing for Women’s History Month in March. WE is hoping to host a huge celebration in the Women’s Center.
Liz Flatnum, President of WE, had already been involved in the Women’s Center and sought to join WE has an excellent way of continuing to be involved with the center. Flatnum has learned a lot about communication, leadership, and campus rules about starting RSOs.
“Learning different things about lived experiences has definitely changed my outlook,” Flatnum said.
WE will be hosting an upcoming How Are You Doing event to encourage students to share what empowers them in the campus community. Every Tuesday in the Women’s Center, WE also hosts a discussion time from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
“This spring, we’re trying to work with voter registration,” Flatnum said.
Hodge and Flatnum said students are motivated to join because of the open discussions, opportunities to learn about gender equity and experiences, and free food. Students who are interested in participating in WE can reach out to Flatnum at
Header photo: The Women Empowerment Club started last August to educate, inform, and empower with the goal of promoting gender equity in the campus community. (Emma Johnson/The Reporter)
Write to Tracy Swartzendruber at