Winter break is for recharging
First semester is coming to an end, and many of us students are ready for a break. From the stress of different classes, final projects and exams, and simply waking up every morning, winter break is meant for us to recharge by the time spring semester rolls around.
The last stretch of the end of a semester is typically the most difficult; winter break is meant to provide sweet relief from a heavy course load, and spend the holidays stress-free with family.
During winter break, make sure to take a mental vacation, while also exercising the mind from time to time. Read books, journal, watch documentaries. Keep the brain sharp while also giving it time to recover from fall semester.
Winter break falls around Christmas time; whether or not this holiday is a celebration in every Maverick’s home, it is still a time to be surrounded with family, and give thanks for everything they do. Appreciate the little things, as we will not have the chance to spend much time at home once spring semester is here.
During Winter break we will also enter into a new year: 2024. Take time to set some goals for next year, and prepare for these during winter break. New beginnings are approaching, and sometimes a fresh start is needed to have more motivation for next semester.
Even though winter can be dark, cold, and snowy, it is great to take advantage of an indoor setting. Find relaxing things to do in the comfort of your own home, whether that may be watching movies with family, doing puzzles, playing games, and cooking. Once summer comes, we will be able to enjoy the outdoors a little more, but inside time is not so bad for a mental break away from academics.
Another option for consuming winter break could be to get ahead of a course load. Research the content of future spring courses, and gain some insight to be well-prepared for spring.
Regardless of the amount of brain work we put in during winter break, the most important thing is to appreciate it for what it is: a break. It is the perfect time to take care of our mental health and rejuvenate for the second semester. Many of us will have to work during break as well, so remembering to take days off is so important to prepare us for the second half of our academic year.