This summer cross something off your bucket list

Summer is right around the corner. For some, this is a time to get away from the stressors of life and to enjoy pure relaxation. For others, it may be a time to further a career at an internship or to grind a summer job to rack up as much cash as possible. 

Whatever your summer plans are, we should all use it as a time to cross at least one thing off our bucket lists. 

Regardless of how you plan to spend these sun-filled months, it’s the perfect opportunity to cross at least one item off your bucket list. Whether it’s skydiving, learning a new skill or finally taking that road trip with friends. Summer provides the extra daylight hours and, often, a more relaxed schedule to make these dreams a reality.

It also helps that we are young. It is the prime time to experience life and the things that we cannot do during the grueling school months. It is a time to be active, to learn and to experience all the things we day dream about during long lectures and assignments. 

Incorporating these experiences isn’t just about fun; it’s about growth and fulfillment. Engaging in new activities can challenge you, help you gain new perspectives and even reveal hidden passions. Crossing something off your bucket lists is a chance to create memories that last far beyond the summer months, providing stories to share and accomplishments to reflect on.

Bucket list activities can also be great life lessons. For example, planning a hiking trip can teach you the importance of preparation and perseverance. Starting a running routine might show you the value of persistence and pushing beyond your comfort zone. Meanwhile, dyeing your hair or getting a tattoo can encourage self-expression and reassure you that it’s okay to try something unusual.

If you’re graduating this can be the perfect time to hit the road one last time as a sendoff before officially joining the workforce. Bring a college friend with you before you go your separate ways. Cement your relationship and celebrate new beginnings.  It is important to get together with the friends that pushed you during your years of education.

If you aren’t graduating, consider crossing off that item with an old hometown friend or with a new friend gained in college. This is a perfect opportunity to bond with old and new friends. 

Lastly, during these months, create a bucket list for school. It can include new goals and things you want to achieve during the fall and spring semester.

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