MSSA election results announced

Following elections on April 12, 2016, the members of the future 84th student senate were announced. Senators from MAV (Motivate, Advocate, Validate), MSU Big Ideas Party, and Maverick Family Movement will all come together throughout next year to serve as a voice for students.

President: Faical Rayani
Vice President: Maria Ruiz

Allied Health and Nursing: Grace Peterson, Aris Ututalum, Kaoshoua Thao,
Arts and Humanities: Jaclyn Britz, Katherine C Torgeson
College of Business: Othmane Sekkat, Connor Martin
College of Education: Emily Christensen
Graduate Studies: Avinash Darsi, Alex Lucier
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Jacob Royce, Cynthia Callais
College of Science Engineering and Technology: Holly Blooflat, Naeem Hassan, Parmal Wanigasinghe
Off Campus: Mahammed Bin Hamsa, Mariam Diallo, KAyla Cremers, Narukazu Kitamura, Areeb Usmani, Kate Anderson, Qendresa Isniqi, Ben Thao
Student Union Board: Tien Bui, Abi Saha
Newspaper Board: Allie Bigbee, Rae Frame, Karter Rivet, Yasmeen Black
Athletic Advisory Board: Vikolia Meade, Kyle Ohrt
Residential Life: Yulia Podorova, Aaron Klaus D’Silva, MeMe Cronin, Abdul-Aziz, Tayler Lyng
Student Body at Large: Lucas Fontana, Denise Adjidjonu
Health Advisory: Karter Rivet, Abdurrahman Guantai

Congratulations to our winners! MNSU looks forward to next year’s achievements.

Photo: Students gather outside of the MSSA office in the CSU on Tuesday evening to see the MSSA election results. (Yohanes Ashenafi/The Reporter)

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