Vice Presidential Profiles
Kayla Cremers
Mavericks Empowering Mavericks
Year in School:
Human Resource Management
84th MSSA- Off-Campus Senator, Student Allocations Committee, Student Affairs Committee, Residence Hall Association Representative (member of the Constitutional Revisions Committee), member of Sigma Sigma Sigma, (chapter awards assistant, and parliamentarian) , Panhellenic Council VP of Conduct Review and VP of Community Service and Philanthropy, Dance Marathon (Family Relations, and Co-President), MACURH Regional Business Conference- Housing Chair
Why did you decide to run alongside Abdul-Aziz as the Mavericks Empowering Mavericks party ticket?
I chose to run with Abdul-Aziz because our values and our goals align. We agree that everyone needs to feel included, supported, and know what resources they have. Every voice is equally important to us. We are able to seek out different groups and RSOs for feedback and with them we will be able to efficiently represent a variety of students such as Greeks, international students, and others. We understand that the students come to get an education and stay for the experience, we want to see both sides improved. We see certain issues from different lights so our conversations and decisions are always thought out very carefully. We constantly are coming up with new ways to better MSU and we are excited to see what the new senate will do for the students. We have an equal and great ambition to serve and lead the student body.
If elected, how do you see yourself fulfilling the role of Vice President?
As Vice President, I will make it so students feel comfortable walking into the MSSA office and be welcomed a friendly, and familiar face. We will encourage students to share their experiences with us and we will be willing to have conversations on how our university can be improved. I would look forward to assisting the speaker in running an efficient meeting as I do for my sorority and council meetings currently. I would like to be able to seek out students for their feedback instead of hearing it second hand. I have a great vision for MNSU and I cannot wait for the day where we finally accomplish that goal.
Why are you and Abdul-Aziz the most qualified ticket in this election?
Abdul-Aziz and I have been fully invested in this campaign since the beginning. Cumulatively we have a great variety of ideas and experience on how to lead, serve, and represent the student body. We have been very involved and bring a fresh look to our campus on what we would like to see happen. I have been involved in many leadership opportunities including Residence Hall Association as a building president and representative from Stadium Heights. I was appointed as parliamentarian for my sorority which I have been since spring of last year. My current involvement includes Sigma Sigma Sigma, the 84th MSSA, the Panhellenic Council, the Regional Business Conference, and Student Allocation Committee, with all that combined I feel that I have ample leadership experience and have the opportunity to reach out to students with different needs.
Jeremiah Kirch
Support Our Students
Year in School:
Mechanical Engineering
My prior experience with MSU campus organizations includes participation in Sigma Nu Fraternity, Student Ambassadors, and RHA. I was Preska I hall’s floor representative for RHA my entire first year here. With Student Ambassadors I have held the Marketing position, a key role on their executive board, all this semester. I joined Sigma Nu my first semester here at MSU. After one semester, I held the position of community service chair and the executive position, philanthropy chair, both simultaneously my second and third semester. This being my fourth semester I hold the executive position treasurer. Sigma Nu meetings are run under the same guidelines as MSSA meetings which is why I believe my involvement with Sigma Nu is a highlight for my qualification for MSSA. Aside from those campus experiences, I started my own construction business after I graduated from high school and immediately profited my first few months of operation before attending college the year, proving myself as a leader, an entrepreneur, and a qualified person for anything I set my mind towards.
Why did you decide to run alongside de Ruiter as the Support Our Students party ticket?
I decided to run besides Fred de Ruiter because I know that we would be an excellent match up for MSSA. I believe this because our professional collegiate experience extends to different areas of campus. Mr. Ruiter has many years of experience with MSSA and I have years of experience with leadership positions in many student organizations. I believe that alone, we could both take MSSA to a new level exceeding all expectations, running together I have no doubt that we will support the students on this campus better than anyone else on this campus can.
If elected, how do you see yourself fulfilling the role of Vice President?
I believe that fulfilling the role of Vice President takes much more than being a passive leader. From my extensive leadership experience, working with student organizations, I come to know that if I want to be a great leader. This means setting goals and being proactive with my positions. I can proudly say that I have done that with all my positions with RSOs here on campus.
Why are you and de Ruiter the most qualified ticket in this election?
I have no doubt that Fred de Ruiter is the single most qualified person running in this election. As for myself, I would like to look at my achievements in Sigma Nu. Firstly, with community service chairman. Last year I arranged events with non-profits around Mankato to accumulate almost 900 community service hours among all the members of Sigma Nu. 900 hours over doubles the number of hours that previous chair holders achieved with the members of Sigma Nu. Secondly, with my position as philanthropy chairman, I setup events that cumulatively raised over $2,000 for Habitat for Humanity and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This amount doubles the amount raised from previous chair holders. Lastly, as Treasure of Sigma Nu, I set goals to obtain nearly $10,000 in uncollected member dues. That amount includes invoices from over 5 years ago and has not been taken on by any chair holders until me. Taking my roles in these organizations and exceeding all expectations is what makes me the most qualified for the position of vice president. Mr, Ruiter and I are running for the right reasons, to support our students and I truly believe that we are the absolutely most qualified candidates in this election.