The Pnyx: On healthcare

Joshua Schuetz
Staff Writer

The recent lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration might be the worst political move by a president going into an election cycle in a long time.

The recent lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration might be the worst political move by a president going into an election cycle in a long time.

It’s well known that the Democratic Party’s midterm election message focused on healthcare, to their electoral benefit. Moreover, the Democrats hold an advantage in public opinion and trust on the issue. Looking to 2020, it was always evident that healthcare would be a central part of the party’s campaign message. Now, the Trump administration’s actions may well make healthcare the defining issue of the election.

That can only end badly for the Republican Party, whose inability or unwillingness to come up with a feasible alternative to the ACA badly damaged their 2018 prospects. 

It’s important to remember that the president campaigned on protecting pre-existing conditions and providing healthcare to everyone. If his administration’s lawsuit leads to the destruction of existing protections for pre-existing conditions, and causes millions to lose their insurance, the political fallout will be absolute.

If that were to happen, then the Democrats would have the perfect 2020 message. Medicare for all (or a similar proposal) could realistically be passed by a new Democratic administration and Congress.

Americans will not tolerate a healthcare system that leaves people dying in the streets. And if Medicare for all proves to be the most viable alternative to such a scenario, it will be passed. As well it should.

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