MNSU vs. WSU food drive

Maria Ly
News Editor

The Student Government announced a competition between Minnesota State University, Mankato and Winona State University in a food drive. The competition is planned to run from Monday, Sept. 23 through Friday, Sept. 27. Donations will also be accepted during the football game on Saturday, Sept. 28. 

Per the email sent to all students all items donated will be sent to the Campus Cupboard to “provide students with stacked shelves and multitudes of items to choose from”.

Students are suggested to donate canned goods, boxed items, toiletries, and dollar donations. 

Anisa Omar, the Student Government president, said in a Facebook video, “If you do not have any of the above, please donate a dollar. One dollar will equal one can in the competition “

Donations can be brought to the Student Activities office (CSU173), the Student Government office (CSU280), and the Athletics office (MF135).

The winner will be based on which university collects the most items. The winner will be announced during Saturday’s Harvest Bowl game where the university are playing against Winona State. 

Omar said, “As Mavericks we know Winona does not stand a chance. We will showcase all what Maverick pride is about as we win our food drive and our second home game.”

The food drive was sponsored by and in collaboration with Student Government, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Community Engagement, International Student Association, Black Student Union, The Herd, Residence Hall Association, and Kappa Alpha Psi.

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