ROTC recruits treated to extra special ceremony

NASA astronaut was as far away from the ceremony as possible

Kaitlyn Jorgensen
Staff Writer

The Minnesota State University, Mankato Army ROTC program hosted an “out of this world” enlistment ceremony Wednesday morning.

The ceremony started off with a welcome speech from Brigadier General Patrick Michaelis who is the current Deputy Commanding General for the United States Army Recruiting Command from Space Center Houston.

The oath of enlistment was then administered by NASA Astronaut and U.S. Army Colonel Andrew Morgan. Col. Morgan gave the oath from the International Space Station where it is currently in orbit 250 miles above the earth. The ceremony was then live streamed to the ROTC office as well as 150 locations across the country. Over 1,000 new soldiers took the oath.

“I am still a soldier,” Col. Morgan said. “I am just out here serving on the ultimate high ground.” 

He credits his military service as the first step in his career to becoming an astronaut.

The two soldiers who took the oath from MNSU was Cadet Justin Marcy and Private Cheick Toure.

Marcy has been a member of the National Guard for two years and was taking his oath of enlistment as a Cadet in the ROTC program.

“I am looking forward to all of the opportunities ROTC has to offer and getting to know everyone here,” CDT Marcy said. “My goals for ROTC this semester are to do well in physical training and get good grades.”

PVT Toure is a Law Enforcement student at MNSU and enlisted into the Army Reserves. “I think it’s pretty awesome being sworn in by an astronaut. I am looking forward to all the opportunities the military has to offer like getting to know myself and be a part of something greater in life,” PVT Toure said.

Professor of Military Science Master Sergeant Mason worked to coordinate the initiative for the ROTC program along with Sergeant First Class Casey Hayes from the Mankato Army Recruiting Office.

“We are always looking for new opportunities available for our future soldiers,” SFC Hayes said. “This is a great first step for them in their military career.”

“We are always looking for new opportunities for our students,” MSG Mason said. “The best advice I have for soldiers going forward is ‘Don’t be average.’”

SFC Hayes added, “Always look to excel in everything you do in your military career, and always be on the lookout for new possibilities.”

Header photo by Kaitlyn Jorgensen/MSU Reporter.

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