Maverick National Guard Protect amidst Protests

Julia Barton ® Staff Writer |
Photo by Mansoor Ahmad ® Photo Editor |

Minnesota State University, Mankato students were among the National Guard troops ordered to help secure the state capitol building Wednesday in the wake of civil unrest at the nation’s capitol building in Washington D.C. Jan. 6.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz mobilized certain members of the National Guard to Minnesota’s state capitol to help further secure the capitol during Wednesday’s 59th inaugural ceremony. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden was sworn into office as president along with Kamala Harris as Vice President Wednesday in Washington D.C. However this year’s transition of power had more security than usual as a precaution due to the events that took place on Jan. 6.

“If the governor wants to mobilize members of the National Guard to further protect the capital that is absolutely within the duties of the state governor to do so, and we are happy to support his decision on behalf of the veteran and military students,” Tim Adams, MNSU’s Military & Veteran Student Success Coordinator stated.

This transition of power has been highly anticipated as there has been much tension between now former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. 

Manav Mendonca, junior at MNSU said, “Based on the events that happened last week at the capitol, I think it’s better to be prepared and have higher security at the inauguration just in case something happens.”

Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, however, declined to attend Biden’s inauguration. He joins the small list of other former presidents who did not attend their predecessor’s inaugural ceremony.

Other honorable guests who were in attendance were former President Barack Obama, former State Secretary Hillary Clinton, now former Vice President Mike Pence, along with Minnesota’s own senator Amy Klobuchar who had given the opening speech. 

“I thoroughly enjoy the support that the students, faculty, and staff give to our veterans and Guard students who are looking to support the government and the constitution, the people of society while continuing their education at MNSU,” said Adams, a veteran and National Guard member. 

The National Guard is also helping distribute the COVID-19 vaccine statewide to health care providers and other essential workers. 

Last May, certain members of the National Guard were called in to help the police force in Minneapolis as an organized group of people to help keep the peace when events escalated.

“It’s smart just to be prepared with more security if something were to happen,” Ben Leafblad, freshman at MNSU stated.

MNSU freshman Matt Mueller said, “More security is always better; if you don’t have enough and something happens then you’re screwed.”

“It’s better to have too much security than too little security,” Chloe Corbin, freshman at MNSU.

The National Guard also helps in natural disaster events such as fires, floods, and other domestic emergencies issued by the state to provide extra aid to those in need.

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