Bullpen Opens again for Maverick Community

Jenna Peterson ® News Director |

After being closed for roughly two months, the Minnesota State University, Mankato Maverick Bullpen is open once again for students to relax in between classes.

The Maverick Bullpen typically offers a variety of leisure activities ranging from 12 lane bowling, 15 regulation billiards tables, and other games and recreation in the designated game area, but with changing COVID-19 regulations, there are now only 6 bowling lanes and 7 billiards tables open for games. This is to help ensure social distancing and keeping all participants safe, as stated by Kyle Bischoff, operator of the Maverick Bullpen and coach to the Maverick Bowling team.

While the University was reporting at the yellow COVID-19 safety level, the Bullpen was able to operate with safety protocols in effect. This lasted until November when the University reported the change to level orange, where at least 3% of campus students are infected with the virus, according to the University’s website. 

Maverick Bullpen student workers Jocelyn Bode, a MNSU freshman and Siene Haq, a MNSU junior, noted the changes from when the facility was open and closed to the public.

“We closed after Thanksgiving break last semester, and today is our first day open this semester,” Haq commented.

The Bullpen will be following all protocols they’ve had in place to ensure a clean and safe space for all who enter. This all includes consistent sanitation and a requirement of everyone to wear a mask, and to wear it properly. 

After only one day, students were already taking advantage of the opportunity to play games in their free time. Junior Maverick Bowling team members Dylan Hanson and Grey Severson were polishing up their skills right away. 

“We decided it was time to get back to practice,” Severson commented. The bowling team didn’t have a season in the fall, but are hopeful that this semester they’ll be able to participate in a tournament or two. 

Bischoff commented, “We’ve been open on and off in the past ten months. We were closed over the summer, and we were closed again in November. It’s been a ghost town, but it’s wonderful to get students back down here.”

If you’re not into the gaming scene but want a place to study at, the Maverick Bullpen is the perfect place to do so. With tables throughout the facility and being close to many other resources on campus, this study spot is sure to help students get their work done while having fun.

“There’s something for students to do while they’re here, which is something they haven’t had in a while,” Bischoff stated.

The Bullpen is open Monday-Friday, 12-9 p.m. and 1-9 p.m. on the weekend.

Header photo from Reporter Archives.

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