Why unplugging from your electronics is important

All day long college students are looking at a screen. Whether they’re on Zoom for class, completing some last minute homework, or learning the newest Tik Tok dance, students are staring at the blue-light glare from their laptop or phone.

These lights are harmful to the eyes, leading many college students to purchase blue light glasses to help them continue looking at their screen without putting too much strain on their eyes. 

On top of that, social media adds so much unneeded stress to day to day life, especially for college students, as we are so glued to our phones in an attempt to stay social and relevant with new friends. 

Whether it is constantly checking to see how many likes the new Instagram post got, or wondering why your crush has left you on read for hours, there is a constant level of anxiety that can plague the mind of the plugged-in social media generation. 

To help maintain mental and physical health, it’s important to unplug from the electronics and give yourself a break to recharge.

How can you do this?

Grab that book off the shelf that’s been sitting there for a few months collecting dust. Crack it open and force yourself to read for twenty minutes without any interruptions. This will allow you to fully emerge in this piece of writing without looking at your phone for the recent group chat updates. 

With the weather still above 70 degrees, taking a hike around campus is a great way to detach from the internet. There are hammocking spots that can be found throughout the campus to sit back and relax. 

Otherwise, there’s all sorts of courts available for students to play games on. There’s sand volleyball and basketball courts around the dorms, as well as courts in the Otto Recreation Center available for the sport of your choice. 

If you’d like to get off campus for a short while, there are other outdoor activities that might spark your interest. Minneopa State Park is located approximately five miles away from campus and offers hiking trails, bison viewing, and a waterfall for people to admire. 

This warm weather won’t be around for long, so be sure to take advantage of it while you can. 

Energizing yourself with a coffee break is essential when studying for long hours, and it’s a perfect way to catch a quick break. There’s a large amount of both local and chain coffee shops located in Mankato to pick up your cup of fuel. 

So plug your phone into the charger and let it sit for a few hours. You might just find that it is actually you that gets recharged.

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