The job hunt is weird

I, like many seniors at MSU, am coming up on the end of my time attending this school. As the end of the semester approaches, and graduation sliding up behind it, we are left with the massive question: what is next?

If you are anything like me, the next step is doing a mad dash to apply for as many jobs as humanly possible in hopes to land that dream position. 

There are so many concerns that come with the job hunt, including, but not limited to, location, pay, and position. 

One of the main concerns is what position you are going to take. For many, this may be easier, especially in more specialized degrees. For example, an accounting major will have a wide variety of specific accountant jobs. 

On the contrary, the more broad majors, like mass media or political science, might be more difficult to narrow down to a single position. 

With so many choices for careers to delve into, it is vital to look at two main things: Can you do it? And will you enjoy it?

The next main concern to think about is pay. What lifestyle are you looking to partake in after college? Is your major going to offer you a job that allows you to live that lifestyle?

If you went into a field that historically has lower-paying positions, it is time to start to budget for that, perhaps by looking at ways that you can cut costs. 

In the alternate vein, know your worth. Make sure to do research on what people in that field are getting paid and make sure you aren’t taken advantage of in the first offer. Several people will simply take the first offer given to them, and more often than not, they could actually ask for more money than that. 

As a soon-to-be graduate myself, I am in constant worry that I will either not ask for enough or ask for too much and scare the employer away from hiring me. But that is where doing the research, knowing the market, and advocating for yourself comes into play. 

The best advice that I have received recently though for anyone leaving college is the comforting quote: “No matter what, you will always land.”

Header Photo: The Career Development Center is located at 209 Wigley Administration open Monday through Friday. (Maxwell Myleben/The Reporter)

Write to Maxwell Mayleben at

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