MSU celebrates research on campus for the month of April

Minnesota State University, Mankato is dedicating the entire month of April to commemorate the research conducted on campus. In-person and online events will be held all throughout April providing faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to showcase their research, and scholarly and creative works. 

Research is an iterative process that enables students to focus their skill set and apply their expertise to areas that spark their interests. It helps them gain a better understanding and insight into certain areas within their fields of study and provides the opportunity to hone their skills. 

“The process of research provides students with opportunities to learn important skills used in further education, the workplace and life: critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork,”

said Teri Wallace, the Interim Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of Extended Campus, when explaining the premise of conducting research.

In addition, the collaborative nature of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information as well as its understanding and interpretation is another element that provides unique opportunities for all researchers to further broaden their intellectual horizons. 

“Graduate and undergraduate students benefit from studying in an environment rich with discovery – research, scholarly and creative work. Students get to learn from faculty and staff that are working at the leading edge in their disciplines,” added Wallace when talking about the importance of research and the opportunities it provides. 

Aside from providing researchers with the opportunity to work with faculty, research also helps students build connections and see the first-hand impact of their research.  

“There are opportunities for students to engage with faculty as part of their research teams as well as to co-author publications, present at conferences, make important connections, and explore post-graduate possibilities.  They learn how scholarly work can benefit the community, region, state, and world,” added Wallace, encouraging students to participate.

The month will feature numerous in-person and online events centered around research done here at MSU. These will provide students with numerous opportunities to present their ideas to the community on campus and get feedback. 

An event that took place last week was the Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 12 which provided students with the opportunity to present oral presentations to an audience of their peers. The symposiums’ purpose is to recognize the achievements made by students in research and encourage and reward them for their work. 

The Research Symposium this year will be held in person in the Centennial Student Union as well as online on April 25 for students that are not present on campus.  Students interested in partaking can fill in a form, confirming their presence, and submit and present a presentation of their proposed ideas.

Write to Hafsa Peerzada at

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