Letter to the Editor: Dear Mom and Dad

One month from now, you will have watched me walk across the stage as a college graduate and will be reading this sometime after. I wanted to find a way where I could tell you how much you guys mean to me and everything that you’ve done in my life. Never have I been the easiest child to raise and take care of. From our memories that we’ll share for the rest of our lives and the ones we want to forget, I’m proud to call you my parents. 

You’ve taught me more than anyone in the entire world; even when I didn’t think you were teaching me a lesson, you guys both knew later down the road, I’d need it. I can never say thank you enough for all the times you were there to forgive me. When I strayed from the way I was raised and every time you took me back as your son. 

Dad, there is no person who has given me the things I love the most other than you, the things I am most passionate about in life came from you. I’ll forever be grateful for the time you taught me these things and how to do them right, (because if you’re going to do something, do it right the first time or don’t do it all.) 

Mom, for your everlasting love that no one could ever replace, teaching me how to use my heart for good and caring about your son even when I gave you every reason not to. To the both of you, thank you. 

I don’t say it enough or show the appreciation you guys deserve. I’m proud to be your son and even more so to have you as my parents. I wouldn’t be here in this moment if it wasn’t for the way you guys raised me. You taught me how to work hard and stick up for myself. When to stick it out through the tough times. And even when I need to figure things out myself. I don’t say it a lot, but I love you Mom and Dad, thank you for everything.

Your Son, Jackson Jirik

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