Maverick Success Workshop talks self-care

Retention and Recruitment Coordinator Abdurrahman Guantai led a workshop on self care and academic anxiety in Minnesota State’s Centennial Student Union Monday., 

During the workshop, Guantai discussed different types of anxiety and helped attendees identify stressors and how to deal with them.

“Stress comes from demands and pressures of past and anticipated demands, which is ever present on a college campus,” Guantai said. “Students have to juggle the needs of their various classwork (homework, exams, labs, projects, papers, etc) on top of studying the content from said classes, with the demands of life: Paying bills, working, family needs, personal care, maintaining friendships, etc etc. It can be a lot, not to mention that for many students college is their first time on their own, and the Mankato campus is a completely new environment.”

By splitting attendees into three groups, Guantai discussed the three types of stress: acute, episodic and chronic. Attendees were then instructed to share daily stressors in their lives as well as methods they use to alleviate stress. Many shared methods went along the lines of self-care, keeping in contact with loved ones and taking breaks from whatever is causing stress. With finals being a month away, it’s crucial to find time to take care of yourself as well as keep in contact with your loved ones.

“It is a big issue, and not all students feel comfortable opening up about or even acknowledging that it’s something they grapple with,” Guantai said. “Making sure students know that it is normal, that stress is a part of life and there are ways to manage it, is a big part in ensuring they get those supports. Sometimes students don’t know what they don’t know.”

Amber McFadden, one of the attendees, said “It was very insightful. It helped me gather more insight on how people cope with stress and also finding out how stress affects people differently.”

If you are in need of counseling or therapy, the counseling center is located in CSU 285. There are also various staff members and professors who are willing to listen if you need to vent.

Write to Ellie Meschke at eleanor.meschke@my.normandale.edu

Header Photo: The Maverick Success Team led a self-care workshop at Minnesota State Monday. The workshop spoke on methods, taking breaks, and maintaining relationships. (Nate Tilahun/The Reporter)

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